Last Update: 2023.01.19

This Rules and Regulations pertains to the Quadruped Robot Challenges in ICRA2023. This guideline intends to give the participating teams on how each team will be graded to determine the winning team in a manner that is fair to appreciate technologically innovative and well-implemented team’s efforts.

One of two lanes will be assigned to each team depending on the size of the robot; the inner lane is for small robots (height[1] equal or under 750mm) and the outer lane is for large robots (height over 750mm).

During the attempts, the operator must stay in the team’s remote control console, and only can use the sensor information obtained from the robot’s onboard sensors.

  1. Each team will have 2 attempts (subject to change) of race and each attempt lasts at most 10 minutes (subject to change). Each attempt must start at the starting position. The team’s official score will be selected from the best attempt.

  2. Each attempt will be recorded in time. Before each attempt, the team is allowed to turn on their ground computer (if there is one) or any other supporting ground equipment. The power of the robot can be applied prior to each attempt. (This is to accommodate different booting time of each team’s systems)

  3. The record time of each team’s attempt is measured from the time to take the first step and finish the attempt. If ten minutes passes without finishing the course, the race time and the last location of the robot is recorded.

  4. Each attempt is considered “finished” by successfully passing the finish line. If the robot deviates from the course, or malfunctions, is not able to sustain safe and controlled walking, or the team operator declares ending the attempt, this attempt is considered “not finished”.

  5. The winning team shall be the team with the shortest race time if the team finishes the whole course.

  6. If the team does not finish the whole race track, the final location where the robot reached and the ending time is recorded. The final location is measured from the start line to the farthest point on the robot.

  7. For grading teams who did not finish the whole course will be compared with the position where it reached. If two or more teams reached the same position, the team with shorter race time shall be given higher ranking.

  8. The judging committee reserves the right to stop any team’s attempt if considered dangerous or not following the guidelines. Also the judging committee reserves the right to rule out any attempt’s record if any unfair activity is found (e.g. obtaining information not open to all teams, human intervention during the race and so on).

All the teams must share publicly all the sensory raw data (vision, lidar, motor control, etc.)  obtained during the practice and/or competition time.

[1] The height of the robot is measured from the ground to the highest position of the robot when the legs are fully extended.